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Voice Study

With few exceptions, anyone can sing.


It's a natural process. Great singers do have the gifts of special aptitude and talent -- these cannot be taught -- but they still must learn the technique of fine singing, and practice to maintain and improve it. That's the part that anyone can do.


Learning to sing well -- meaning making the most of your particular aptitude and talent -- is a commitment to yourself. Getting there takes time and work, and there are no shortcuts that any teacher can give you. But a good teacher can help you on the journey, which may take you to new and unexpected places.


Beautiful music, vocal or instrumental, is sound artistically controlled by the performer by means of an instrument. For singers, the insitument is their voice, a physical part of themselves. The foundation for artistic control of the voice is correct technique of breath control, essential for good singing in any style.  Good technique is an important source of confidence for a singer, whether a soloist or chorister. 





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